Friday, December 17, 2010


I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday season with their families!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

#3 Adding to our pool of knowledge
CLAIM-  "Palin may just be the political embodiment of our contemporary cultural moment; a presidential candidate born from TV's easy emotional draw and limited analytic capacity, a candidate who needs only 140 characters to explain policy, a candidate who attracts us even when she repulses us. As with reality TV, to underestimate Palin is to invite her to reach ever deeper into the American consciousness."

CONCESSION- Melissa Harris-Perry underestimated Sarah Palin after watching her new reality TV show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska".   Harris-Perry has come to realize that Palin is surprisingly quite compelling.  However, others think of Palin as "an authoritive voice who seems merely self-assured" and they disagree with her policy conclusions. 

     -"Whatever her failings, Palin has successfully harnessed new media forms to engage and direct emotional reactions in ways that are surprisingly effective."
     -"Her show replaces the tough tradeoffs of a politically complicated and economically insecure world with a fiery self-assurance born of the hard, bright blindness of righteousness."
     -"Palin may just be the political embodiment of our contemporary cultural moment."

MY CLAIM-  I agree with Melissa Harris-Perry.  Sarah Palin may be a self-assured woman with nontraditional career choices; however, in reality she is that "hometown girl" who enjoyes life.  I believe that to many Americans have a preconception about Palin and they dont take the time to watch her show and realize who Sarah Palin really is.